Lapsang Souchong
Lapsang Souchong is a completely processed black tea that is smoked over a pine fire so that the leaves absorb the smoke. According to Chinese legend, this tea originated when soldiers passing through the Wuyi hills caused the workers to delay the processing of a new crop of tea leaves. The leaves were left out too long, turned brown and appeared ruined. To salvage their leaves and satisfy the soldiers needs for black tea, Chinese workers sped up the drying process by placing the leaves over a pine fire. What resulted was a truly unique tea with a smoky, hearty, and robust flavor.
Serving Size: 1.5tsp / 8oz
Temperature: 212°F
Steep Time: 3-5 min
Ingredients: Unique Black Tea Blend
Tasting Notes: Aromatic, smoky, earthy, robust.
Liquor Color: Copper penny